One door closed and that’s for sure
Yes it’s closed
No hope of it being opened again
If it does, the movement will be unidirectional
And all for one person.
Enough of that-‘selfish’ may feature and that’s not a nice word.
It’s pointless noting anything about it except that it took eight months 6 days, 2 minutes and 36 seconds to finally submit that the door is indeed closed.
And the door opened?
Well there are actually many doors open just that you choose which ones to venture into
Promise lies behind each door
The only problem is that sometimes what’s articulated as a promise remains just that
A promise unfulfilled and you rest still with a promise
Selection sometimes is difficult
Of late selection has been helped with closing of the aforementioned door
Natural selection?
Almost, and a bit of deduction after expectations are not met.
It’s obvious some of these things are pre-planned and some people just cannot handle them
Well, let’s just say for now I’m going through a door with not many promises except two- friendship and trust
No the cat will stay in the bag for a while.
Yeah for a while I will keep silent as I venture through this opened door.
My world, my words
Passion -That which drives us to want what we want and believe that tehre still is something more.
Love- That which we feel can only be felt and enjoyed with someone else
Life - That which we all say is impossible to understand but love it all the same
Friend - that person whom we can confide in and will know what we want to say before we say it & understands the quiet moments.
Smile- That which we so often desire yet we stifle when we feel it forming on our face
Longing - that which we deny ourselves yet we so much need. The denial can be detrimental
Relationship- a mixture of all the above misconstrued as LIFE
Love- That which we feel can only be felt and enjoyed with someone else
Life - That which we all say is impossible to understand but love it all the same
Friend - that person whom we can confide in and will know what we want to say before we say it & understands the quiet moments.
Smile- That which we so often desire yet we stifle when we feel it forming on our face
Longing - that which we deny ourselves yet we so much need. The denial can be detrimental
Relationship- a mixture of all the above misconstrued as LIFE