
I choose life

The denomination bit comes up once again
I’m not one to go deep into the why’s and wherefore’s of religion and beliefs
True, I’d want to be on the same side with the person who believes that Christ lives and died for their sins
But now I know it’s not that simple
People will always fall into that fleshly trap of following people and not the spirit
Had a discussion today and we lashed at each other over what we see as what divides us as the church of Christ
It’s one of those topics where u see that what one thought was the other’s opinion is actually not correct
We tend not to talk to each other that much
We thrive on assumptions and hearsay and we end up where we are right now-suspicious of the next person
We still have varying views on some items of what we called church doctrine
But one thing we were all in agreement on is what I thought I’d share
We go to church, have the preacher preach and we follow with our own Bible
We get home, sometimes share the message with those who skipped service or do not go to church,
But how many times have we revisited the chapters read and the gospel the preacher was pushing
There are some things which becoz they’ve been said so many times such that now many believe to be correct
There are verses which many believe to be in the Bible yet they are not there
In my native tongue there are two at the forefront
Inwa, asi usararadze- drink but do not get drunk (abuse alcohol)
Zvakaoma sekunamata- there’s nothing as difficult as prayer
Typical of a lie, repeat it so many and you end up believing it
And so it is, unfortunately, with things that people and some churches want to push ascribing them to the Holy word
Now as the said Christians, we need to be wary of the devil coz he’s roaming all day and all night long seeing whom he may devour
And this is one of the easiest ways he has so many in his fold
We’ve come across the word coz a friend was sharing on their experience at church and they invite us
He warns you that there are some things that they do a bit differently
You say OK and you start attending service there
Becoz u had a warning prior to attending u unconsciously ignore questioning many things done or said in that church coz u had warning that things are different here
And u sleep
Yes many of us are asleep
We are babies in our faith who are not even suckling but getting the milk forced down our throats and w say it’s OK
As long as we’re getting the milk
Here we miss the mark
How are we supposed to grow?
How do we know that what we’re getting is milk from the owrd/
We’ve put our trust in man
Man has a high propensity to go back on their word
Man usually lets u down
Man has their agenda first then, maybe, just maybe, yours next
What if your turn never does come?
Who do you have to blame?
I pray we do not rest in this kind of slumber
We need to be reawakened
We need to be shaken up and start reading the word on our own and praying for revelation
It’s all there in the Bible that that’s what we should do
False prophets are here amongst us
Their sheep’s clothing is what gets us following
But for us to know we need to look for that fruit of the spirit
We need to ask from whom they get their power and wisdom

I rest a bit here but not before I say this
There is a heaven and there is a hell
There is life eternal
There is torture eternal
There is judgment day coming
Yes, when I die I will sleep
Come judgement day I will be raised up for myself to answer for my life
After that judgement I will go either to heaven or hell
NO! If I go to hell it doesn’t mean that I just die and there’s nothing of me after that
No! hell doesn’t mean that I’m just losing out on life eternal after judgment
Hell means I will be tortured in the depths of hell for eternity
I will feel that pain in hell, that’s why it’s called torture
How can one be said to be burning and not feel the pain and that be called his punishment?
My dear friends let’s meditate and ask for revelation and wisdom as we read the book of revelation
Not all in that book is symbolical
Most is straight forward
Parables are in the gospels
Judgement day is coming and hell is there
It was created for the devil and his followers
Let’s review whom we’re following lest we be found to be on our way to hell
Glory be to God for eternity
He loves us so much he lets us see wisdom and allows us choice
He even gave us His Son to show us the way
We truly have it easier than those who lived during the Biblical times
The Comforter lives
He wants to live with us
May we today make the right choice and follow life


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

I’m sure many know the above verse by heart. But do we really appreciate what it means just on its own? I’m going to have a go at it.
The substance of things hoped for. When you hope what you are doing is not tangible.
The evidence of things not seen- not seen by the naked eye.
Now, if we’re talking of evidence that cannot be seen then how do we know that someone has faith?
Here begins the argument and I think it’s becoz, like many people who just argue for the sake of arguing, we take verses and end there and don't take time to pray for revelation and understanding when we read the Bible. In this case James is usually the case in point.
Today I ask you to do this with me,
Meditate on what faith really is and ask yourself what it means for our relationship with others here on earth and with Jesus.
I’ll post my findings sometime soon.