

I had quite an interesting chat with a co-worker today
It’s just amazing what people can share in so much a short space of time
It started as just a “hi, I just thought I’d pass by and say hi!”
The end was a spiritual uplift for both of us
There so many issues we keep on our minds for the whole day and don’t talk about or try to find solutions to
We keep them saying that’s the way life goes
But, guess what?
Life goes the way you want it
Well, if you’re Christian you’ll agree with me
It’s because of how we stand in the battle
I’ll elaborate on that tomorrow
For now let’s look for that chapter in Ephesians

A shout of praise

I’m the happiest girl on this planet right now!
I just cannot help it
That’s just how it works
I’m on top of my game if I may call it that
Things still look rosy
Why you still ask?
I know in whom I’ve put my trust
He’s handling all the baggage that could be excess
So I’m a free girl with no worries
It’s just so great
I cannot describe it
I thank God for all my happiness


So last week Tuesday I had a great time sort of catching up with a friend. He got married last year and you know that singles and married folks aren't that close unless they're family. I do know the wife but you know how it is- you can't be too close to the guy coz there just may be issues and stories making their rounds.
Back to my story.
So, we got talking about fellowship. He asked f I was still Methodist and I said I still was. Said he also still is but had wandered off at some point and came back. Right now he still sups elsewhere when he's not filled.
We both agreed that somehow coz w grew up in this church we can see when it's having problems -like now.
Right now my church's asleep. It may be just the two branches-mine and my friend's. But bottom line is that it's asleep. Not that there's no activity all across the board. Far from it there's plenty happening. My church's strength is really administration- another friend and I agree on this.
So the focus right now is not on the individual but doing what the church is meant to be doing. It's not always that way. We'll get to a point when they'll see that the people are malnourished spiritually and then they'll pick that thread up.
I call it a thread as there's a jersey in the making for every church. For mine I say it's strong in admin coz they know they've got something to show at the end. So they focus on making the jersey. Most churches do that. The difference is that some forget that the jersey needs to be finished by the end of the day and that it has to look like a jersey. At the end of the day all churches need to submit their jersey fro marking. Some will have finished, some wouldn't have, some will to be jersey but they'll be knit, I have a weird feeling some won't have anything to submit. The final decision no one will know how many will get credit for their submissions. But at the end of the day all will need to account for what they were making and to whom they've submitted their finished product. To whom as they'll be asking why they've got the result they've got. Not that that'll be in all sincerity as we all know to whom we're making our jerseys to.
And so it is with the individual.
We ought to know what we're making at that it needs to be finished for us to have a good mark at the end of the day.
No matter how we make the jersey or how long it takes to make it, it's the final submission that'll matter. I've got a creepy feeling that even what won't look like a jersey will still get credit based on the time and effort taken to make whatever is submitted at the end of the day. Unfortunately the jersey cannot be made in one day and we keep it for the final day. As long as there's breath in us the jersey's unfinished. Stitches may fall out but they need to be picked up. We may get side tracked, but we still nee to keep on knitting. We may feel the wool's finished but if we take time for others we'll discover that there's loads of wool all around us.
For the perfect jersey we need to know that the wool's free for the taking, there's variety, and what matters is the quality of the final submission and the effort put in to get the final result.
Will the effort justify the final result? Will we have something to submit?
I really love the parable of the labourers hired in the vineyard. The parable is unique to the book of Matthew.
Whatever you agreed to get when you started making the jersey is just what you'll get.