
Jealous or what!

So now this is a day after the mid-week game
There’s a girl in one of the local papers proudly waving a poster written “Kaka I love you” in the crowd that attended our infamous match of Zimbabwe vs. Brazil
The guys in our office had quite a ball over the photo
Apparently it’s just not ok waving a poster saying you love a football player when there’s another guy who dotes on you and at one time you said you loved them
Actually it’s a nono to wave posters saying you love some famous person
Not even the Brazilian Kaka whom the whole stadium made noise for and cheered when he entered the stadium
If one of my workmates were dating the said girl with the poster, well there wouldn’t be a relationship to speak about after such a display of affection
The females obviously were not of the same mind
It’s improbable that Kaka would even give a second look at the poster (if he noticed it at all!)
And the proclamation doesn’t mean the girl loves her supposed boyfriend any less coz she’s a fan of Kaka
It’s just what fans do
You seriously cannot part ways with your beloved coz they’ve got a poster saying they love some football star
But I guess men will be men
And yes, men will be men, I guess
Just a few days after the poster feature in the paper guess what the follow up?
I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it, especially f it had been one of the guys from the office saying it
There was a cartoon of ‘that girl’ (no doubt coz the cartoon was waving a poster saying something about Kaka 7 the girl was wearing a beret)
Would you guess what was on the poster?
“Kaka how was your journey back? When will you be coming to take me?”
Men will be men
Insecurities, insecurities.

I was there

It was just one of those days where you just do things of a whim coz you just feel like it.
It was one of those days where you say to yourself , “why not?”
I asked one of my workmates if he was going to watch the Brazil vs. Zimbabwe Zimbabwe vs. Brazil match in the afternoon.
Yes, he was going.
Actually he had two tickets
He was selling the other for $20
I told him I wanted it and the response he’d sell it for it’s face value of $10
I asked him to keep it for me as I still hadn’t asked my boss for time off
Imagine this
A world cup team coming to play a friendly game with you local national team mid-week with the kick off at 3:30pm
Yeah, I just wanted to go
This was going to be most likely one of those once in a lifetime events especially for me
And such chances don’t come that easy
He let’s me know that he’s also put on Facebook that he’s got a ticket for sale
I just silently hope he’ll still have it
Next time I come across this guy he asks if I really want the ticket as I hadn’t got back to him
Yes, I sort of still want the ticket coz my boss has gone for the game before I had a chance to ask him for permission to go watch soccer instead of working
So he looks for someone to flog the ticket for whatever price they feel he just wants 10 bucks back
That’s what he tells me when I ask for ‘my’ ticket after successfully bargaining for the afternoon off
This isn’t typical of me, but I’m no typical person as well
So I finally have my ticket but logistics will be tricky
I know the place will be packed and I cannot risk going with my car and hope to be home before 9pm even if home is only 10minutes away from the stadium.
I get a lift from a workmate who’s going and I leave my car at work
One hassle off my plate
Now for the hope that we’ll be able to get in before the match starts
I give little credit to my fellow Man
We’re seated an hour before the game begins
And what do I have to say to myself?
It’s not everyday that you watch a two time footballer of the year play a game in your local stadium and you’re down here in Africa and your local team ain’t even trying for a glimpse of the coveted cup
I saw Kaka
Much more later about the favourite of the team