There’ll be sad songs to make you cry
Love songs often do
Then there are some songs you don’t want to listen to, not right now
Maybe later, but not now
There are just too many memories associated with some songs
Here is my problem
We all have to let go
We have to let go of past loves
Some time, we have to let go
They were sweet hearts
They were our first love
They were our soul mate
They were THE ONE
But they left us for another
We just couldn’t get along
We just didn’t see eye to eye on fundamental issues
They lied to us
They cheated on us
They just stopped calling
They didn’t see us the same way we saw them
They didn’t want to commit as yet
They felt we were too demanding
They found someone they loved better
Someone swept them off their feet
Our best friend stole them from us
Their friends made them leave us
They didn’t love us the way we wanted to be loved
They didn’t change like they said they would
They just couldn’t stick to one partner at a time
They were not ready
They didn’t see the fuss with being committed
They just………
The list is endless…..
Bottom line is that we are alone once again
We cannot see how we can live without them
Life just cannot be the same without them
Wake up!!!!!!!!
Wake up, dearly beloved
Life will never be the same without them
Life will be better without them
If only we let go and start living once again
Life is for living and living is for loving
Lovers come and go
It all happens so that we learn about life
Sometimes we learn the hard way
Many of us learn the hard way
We’re the one left standing all alone in the cold
Life stops for us
How could they do that?
I said wake up
You stopped living
They carried on and you still hang on to what might have been
There’s nothing to hang on to as ‘what might have been’ never existed
They're just memories
That's all they are and that's all they'll be
My dear, you cannot lose what you never had
They weren’t meant for you
They were part of the process of making you ready for the next person
Be warned the next person still might not be the one
I know it’s difficult to break ties but you have to
Break the ties with your past
Be warned, there’s some past rubbish which still wants to be friends
Seriously, when you throw away your trash do you keep just a little bit for the next trash day?
So why keep lines of communication open
I don’t mean that you be rude or live as if that other person didn’t exist either
Close the emotional door you had opened for them
And never do couple stuff with that person
You’ll be keeping a bit of rubbish for the next trash day
And when you do that guess who’s checking you out?
Your life partner
But they won’t come close coz u’re reeking of last week’s trash
Throw away everything and start all over again
It’s painful but it’s worth it
Becoz u’ve got that smell from last week
Your THE ONE will keep their distance becoz of that smell
Perchance they might see that it’s not you who’s smelling but your baggage
But why wait for fate when you can just wait for your destiny clean?
I’ve been there, done that and had that done to me
But I’ve learnt that I still have to live whether there’s someone in my life or not
The past just distracts you from what’s ahead
The past sometimes just wants to make sure you keep on hurting
Some people have this notion that they were the one who could make you happy and cannot stand to see you happy with someone else
Becoz u broke it off they just want to mess up with your life but don’t want to be part of your life
They want to be the shadow over your life
Wake up!
The birds are singing
You can love again
There will always be regrets in love but don’t stop loving
Keep the faith and love will find you
Don’t go looking for it
Wait for it
At the right time
You’re the ONE will come smiling at you
Believe you me, you’ve never been in love with them before
It’s a new experience
Savour it
Fresh love is fantabulous
Love always and let the music play
Love on my dear
Love on.