This is my first blog in 2012
I’m thankful that God has given me another chance at life and I am here writing and give Him glory
As I reflect on 2011 I look at the good times
It’s easy to overshadow the good times with the bad times
My friends lost their loved ones
I lost a dear grandfather in 2011
I almost gave up on life twice in 2011
2011 was the year that on record was my worst working year
This may not be true as 2011 is still very close and the memory makes it so poainful it overshadows other bad working years
And so it is with life
The most recent hurt is what keeps coming up as you try to look back
But why do we look back?
We look back to see how the year was
We look back to see what we managed to do and achieved
We look back to see the bad decisions we made and didn’t make
We look back so as to be able to take out what was left undone and put it on this year’s resolution/goal/target chart
Whatever the reason we look back
When we look back the first thing we see is the greatest good or the greatest bad
For some we see the greatest good because we want to remember that event for the rest of the days to come
It really was not the greatest good but for us it’s the greatest good that we want to remember and make the greatest good that happened in that year
Sometimes we see that greatest bad that happened because it is still fresh in our minds
Though it did not happen in the recent past we still feel the pain as if it happened yesterday
Because we don’t want to forgive
We don’t want to let that person off the hook
We cannot let justice go not passed for that deed
We take so much time looking back sometimes we forget where we are
We are in the here and now
We need to look on this day and give thanks for it
Were it not for God’s grace we would not be here
The chorus “dai pasina Jesu ndiani waizondiona?” keeps playing in my head
It means if Jesus were not there I would not have been uplifted to where I am for people to even see that I exist. If it were not for Jesus I would have been a nobody
That’s what we need to drum into our heads each year we start
We need to give thanks for life
Good and bad, that is life
From the pain I’ve learnt to forgive
From the backstabbers I’ve learnt to be prudent
I’ve learnt to be quiet from the gossipers
From the trouble causers I’ve learnt to be prepared-always
From the heart break, I’ve learnt to take care of my heart on my own
From the sympathetic ones I’ve learnt how to give a shoulder to lean on
From the noise I’ve learnt to find solace in my spirit
From life, I’ve learnt how to live, love and let live
Yes, I have learnt how to love from life
From forgiveness I’ve learnt how to give and how to smile.
I almost discounted today as just another day like yesterday but I reminded myself that today is more special than yesterday
Today is more special as I’ve learnt how to forgive
I’ve learnt how to remember
I’ve learnt how to be a true friend
I’ve learnt that a good deed NEVER goes unnoticed- it may take long for the acknowledgement to come, but it DOES come
I’ve learnt that from friends comes love and that love will make me smile on the darkest of days, I just need to keep ALL my friends in remembrance
I said I almost didn’t write this blog
Then what made me do it?
The simple reminder to self that I said next year I would be writing daily on at least one of my four blogs
And also the fact that I just needed to give thanks to God for another year where I have life and my family and friends have life
There is peace in my country that is still beautiful no matter what people want to write about it
Come pay a visit and you’ll know why I longed to be home to a country where people still care about the next person enough to smile even if they don’t know you
They’ll smile because they can see the warmth in my eyes and they’ll smile because we’re wearing the same T-shirt
We are Zimbabweans in the blessed country of Zimbabwe.
God loves this country and from it many will rise to save God’s people
We need to take care of His sheep for many seek His face and do not know Him as yet.
The laborers are few and I call to you to care enough to call the brother next to you to Jesus
The harvest is plenty.
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