
I choose life

The denomination bit comes up once again
I’m not one to go deep into the why’s and wherefore’s of religion and beliefs
True, I’d want to be on the same side with the person who believes that Christ lives and died for their sins
But now I know it’s not that simple
People will always fall into that fleshly trap of following people and not the spirit
Had a discussion today and we lashed at each other over what we see as what divides us as the church of Christ
It’s one of those topics where u see that what one thought was the other’s opinion is actually not correct
We tend not to talk to each other that much
We thrive on assumptions and hearsay and we end up where we are right now-suspicious of the next person
We still have varying views on some items of what we called church doctrine
But one thing we were all in agreement on is what I thought I’d share
We go to church, have the preacher preach and we follow with our own Bible
We get home, sometimes share the message with those who skipped service or do not go to church,
But how many times have we revisited the chapters read and the gospel the preacher was pushing
There are some things which becoz they’ve been said so many times such that now many believe to be correct
There are verses which many believe to be in the Bible yet they are not there
In my native tongue there are two at the forefront
Inwa, asi usararadze- drink but do not get drunk (abuse alcohol)
Zvakaoma sekunamata- there’s nothing as difficult as prayer
Typical of a lie, repeat it so many and you end up believing it
And so it is, unfortunately, with things that people and some churches want to push ascribing them to the Holy word
Now as the said Christians, we need to be wary of the devil coz he’s roaming all day and all night long seeing whom he may devour
And this is one of the easiest ways he has so many in his fold
We’ve come across the word coz a friend was sharing on their experience at church and they invite us
He warns you that there are some things that they do a bit differently
You say OK and you start attending service there
Becoz u had a warning prior to attending u unconsciously ignore questioning many things done or said in that church coz u had warning that things are different here
And u sleep
Yes many of us are asleep
We are babies in our faith who are not even suckling but getting the milk forced down our throats and w say it’s OK
As long as we’re getting the milk
Here we miss the mark
How are we supposed to grow?
How do we know that what we’re getting is milk from the owrd/
We’ve put our trust in man
Man has a high propensity to go back on their word
Man usually lets u down
Man has their agenda first then, maybe, just maybe, yours next
What if your turn never does come?
Who do you have to blame?
I pray we do not rest in this kind of slumber
We need to be reawakened
We need to be shaken up and start reading the word on our own and praying for revelation
It’s all there in the Bible that that’s what we should do
False prophets are here amongst us
Their sheep’s clothing is what gets us following
But for us to know we need to look for that fruit of the spirit
We need to ask from whom they get their power and wisdom

I rest a bit here but not before I say this
There is a heaven and there is a hell
There is life eternal
There is torture eternal
There is judgment day coming
Yes, when I die I will sleep
Come judgement day I will be raised up for myself to answer for my life
After that judgement I will go either to heaven or hell
NO! If I go to hell it doesn’t mean that I just die and there’s nothing of me after that
No! hell doesn’t mean that I’m just losing out on life eternal after judgment
Hell means I will be tortured in the depths of hell for eternity
I will feel that pain in hell, that’s why it’s called torture
How can one be said to be burning and not feel the pain and that be called his punishment?
My dear friends let’s meditate and ask for revelation and wisdom as we read the book of revelation
Not all in that book is symbolical
Most is straight forward
Parables are in the gospels
Judgement day is coming and hell is there
It was created for the devil and his followers
Let’s review whom we’re following lest we be found to be on our way to hell
Glory be to God for eternity
He loves us so much he lets us see wisdom and allows us choice
He even gave us His Son to show us the way
We truly have it easier than those who lived during the Biblical times
The Comforter lives
He wants to live with us
May we today make the right choice and follow life


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

I’m sure many know the above verse by heart. But do we really appreciate what it means just on its own? I’m going to have a go at it.
The substance of things hoped for. When you hope what you are doing is not tangible.
The evidence of things not seen- not seen by the naked eye.
Now, if we’re talking of evidence that cannot be seen then how do we know that someone has faith?
Here begins the argument and I think it’s becoz, like many people who just argue for the sake of arguing, we take verses and end there and don't take time to pray for revelation and understanding when we read the Bible. In this case James is usually the case in point.
Today I ask you to do this with me,
Meditate on what faith really is and ask yourself what it means for our relationship with others here on earth and with Jesus.
I’ll post my findings sometime soon.

Spirit realm

I just had to share what a friend shared with me this morning.

"Zimbabwe Financials

In August 2006 the RBZ slashed 3 zeros under Operation Sunrise, in what to the people of Zimbabwe was supposed to become a relief to them from the burden of carrying huge quantities of worthless notes.

Exaclty 2 years after that, the RBZ this time slashed 10 zeros that is ( 3 + 7) that is the initial 3 zeros were back and 7 others. I will try and explain this occurence in a bibilcal manner hoping it is fully articulated

From Luke 11 verse 24 -26" When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out. And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished.Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first." KJV

So when a spirit is cast out, if the Christian is not fully equipped with the word, Holy Spirit, he will find himself in a worse state. I would want to think thats what happened to the Economy of Zim. We removed three zeros, like the unclean spirit the zeros were wandering about seeking a place of rest but found none, all the other countries had sound financial and economic policies in place, so they came back to Zim and found the house swept clean, but empty, no policy in place and what did they do; they invited 7 more zeros deadly than the first 3 and we had to slash now (3 + 7) zeros

3 months down the line after the removal of (3 + 7) zeros; the zeros are back; the 10 which were slashed are here; are they surveying the landscape to see if there is any policy that has been put in place;

The house is clean but empty; no policies so if nothing is done it means we will have (10 + 7) zeros and the seven more deadly than the ten

Please pray for our nation;"

No wonder I love my circle of friends ;)

This walk

I struggle with placing people
Placing them where they ought to be
Sometimes I feel violated when I discover that someone was just being that way so as to fit the occasion
This happens with people I barely know but am in constant contact with
One thing I cannot do is just put you into a class and stick u there till u do something to prove that I put u in the wrong class
I tried that but every time they’d come out of that class by the third meeting
I guess I’m just a bad judge of character
I like talking with people and finding more about them I hate it when for some reason they end up thinking I’m interested in them more than the next person
Sometimes with the pretty cool ones we get to converse about this and straighten things out coz with people I just kinda get involved in some way- so to speak
NO! I’m not nosy
I’m just interested in people- for the moments when I’ve got nothing better to do
There are some I’ve had to quickly write off to the trash bin when I find out more about who they are
There are types I don’t wanna hang around coz of what they’re reputed to do
I don’t hang around to prove for myself- it’s enough them not denying the said reputation
Those I just write off
The shady ones are the ones I struggle with
They don’t stick around long enough for u to get to know who or what they really are
They like entering with just constant shows of ‘goodness’ so that they stay on the ‘maybe good’ list
It’s irritating when they get to know that they’re on that list
I think I’m that open as regards them knowing where they stand with me
And they sometimes abuse that
I now see them for who they really are- deceivers
They’re up to no good so I ignore them most of the time
I hate idle talk and that’s what these people are full of
I love constructive talk
I don’t chat just for the sake of chatting
Thru chatting with people u get to know a person’s traits, strengths and weaknesses
When I get to know such I try as much as possible to find out if the person knows that’s how they come out as to the general populous and not just myself
If it’s known and they don’t mind then we start from there
I believe that we build our character thru life
It’s not a once of thing that happens in one’s youth or at a later stage in life
We evolve as regards character-my view
So thru conversing I get to shape and mould the mouldable characters towards what they ought to in God’s world
Obviously I’ve got my view of what that is but the barest basics is what I focus on with people who are agreeable to character building with a vision
I’ve now gotten to appoint with people where I feel it’s my duty to do that- Nudge them in the path of light
I love people so much I cannot help with interacting with them on whatever level
I just love it that some people acknowledge that it’s what we’re here for –help each other out walk the mile
After all it’s a long while to be quiet and doing the wrong stuff knowing that at the end of this journey there’s an assessment that’s going to be on how we walked the mile
So walk the mile with me.

Thank you

The spirit of gratefulness is seldom allowed to settle on many people
Most of those who let it court them, begrudgingly do so
Why they have to be forced to acknowledge that something indeed needs their thanks I wonder about
I’m talking about things that come delivered on a silver platter
To get someone to acknowledge that it has come on a silver platter is difficult
NOTE: to GET them to acknowledge
They do not freely acknowledge
“Yes, it’s on a silver platter, but I also wanted my name engraved on the platter”
I do pray for those I know who cannot freely say ‘thank you’
Many people say thanks out of obligation
I think it’s also becoz we think many of these things are due to us anyway
I don’t know how they get to thinking that way
But that’s the only way I can explain such things
Maybe I’m expecting too much out of people
But how much do they expect to get for zilch?
A job, a house, a car, a family, beautiful children, food daily, wealth, holidays, free time……
The list is actually endless
They should come round to reality and answer the question that u’ll be asked around here if u expect something from the blue
“kuti waitei?” = “What have u done to deserve that?”
I think next time before complaining about what we don’t have and should have
Ask yourself ‘ what have I done?”
Once u can ask yourself that u can naturally be able to ask again, “Do I deserve all this good fortune?”
And when u realise that the answer to the last question is NO, u’ll see that giving thanks will be second nature
There are many people who don’t have it as easy as we do
The basics which we expect daily, some only wish for
Most have never even experienced them
They just know it’s possible and daily pray/work/wait for their turn to come
Our turn is now and we do not acknowledge it
How harder can our hearts get
I sometimes weep in the spirit
We still want more
Oh! what are we?


There’s this thing I notice is starting to happen most times I make a shout out, some positive things are reversed or some things don’t come thru. Now I know who’s behind this whole scam- the devil.
He’s trying to make me quiet until I have the deliverables in my hands, then I make a shout out –or hopes I’ll forget about it.
Do u remember what Israel’s biggest sin was?
Simple- forgetfulness
There’s a Shona saying ‘ kukanganwa chazuro nehope’ translated becomes ‘forgetting about yesterday coz u slept’
Now if I were to wait for deliverance for me to make my announcement and give thanks, wouldn’t it be inevitable that I’d forget some things and not give thanks at all?
I’d rather count on my faith and make a shout out even if something is at 10% of being delivered. What I know with God is that it will get to 100% in His time.
There are so many things that distract us from giving thanks
This is quite common when we wait for the bird to be in hand and discount the many in the bush. We forget who gave us that bird coz of the joyous mood and the festivities
So I’ll declare all my joys even the ones in faith even before receiving
Has He said and not done so?

Spiritual chains

I don't normally do this but I just thought this may be a light persuasion in the right direction for those who are inclined to put weight on chain e-mails they receive.

"A man woke up early in order to have his morning devotion (prayer) in the lords house (church).He got dressed, set on his way to the lord¢s house (church). On his way to the church, the man fell and his clothes got dirty. He got up, brushed himself up, and headed home.
At home, he changed his clothes, and was, again, on his way to the lord¢s house. On his way to the church, he fell again and at the same spot! He, again, got up, brushed himself off and headed home. At home he, once again, changed his cloths and was on his way to the lords house (church).
On his way to the church, he met a man holding a lamp. He asked the man of his identity and the man replied 'I saw you fall twice on your way to the church, so I brought a lamp so I can light your way. The first man thanked him profusely and the two went on their way to the church. Once at the church, the first man asked the man with the lamp to come in and pray with him. The second man refused. The first man asked him a couple more times and, again, the answer was the same. The first man asked him why he did not wish to come in and pray.
The man replied, 'I am Satan'. The man was shocked at this reply. Satan went on to explain, 'I saw you on your way to the Church and it was I who made you fall. When you went home, cleaned yourself and went back on your way to the church, God forgave all of your sins. I made you fall a second time, and even that did not encourage you to stay home, but rather, you went back on your way to Church. Because of that, God forgave all the sins of the people of your household. I was afraid if I made you fall one more time, then God will forgive the sins of the people of your village, so I made sure that you reached the house of God (Church) safely.' So do not let Satan benefit from his actions.
Do not put off the good you intended to do."

Of course there isn't a do this and I'll give you that relationship when it comes to Christianity, but it makes a difference when we pray for whatever we want and also when we overcome the physical barriers in the flesh that keep us from coming close to God.
So next time you feel you ought to pray for someone or something, do so, you will win the spiritual battle for your time.

Daily walks

It's come to my attention that what Frank Perreti was talking about in This Present Darkness is very true about the spiritual realm.
Seriously, look at what you go thru each week
Take an acquiatance and see what they also go thru that same week
Take someone you barely know such as on the net and read whta they've gome thru the same week
Same stuff really
When they rejoice, so do you
When they feel defeated, so do you
When they want a break thru, so do you
When they feel the world's unfair, so do you
Need I say more?
In the spiritual realm the forces around us are manily the ones w

Reflections on energy

Sometimes I sit and just think over what’s been happening in my life
I like taking a step back and ask “did I do the best I could have done? Wasn’t I selfish? Did I not hurt someone?”
It helps me with tomorrow and maintaining relationships
Many a time I’ve stopped mid-way in doing something becoz I’ve just asked myself “do I really need to do that? Will it change anything for the better?”
If not, then sometimes I stop
When I don’t stop I ask myself why I did that
Sounds confusing……..
Even I sometimes wonder at what I say
At times I’m guarded and don’t say what I truly believe in for fear of starting an argument
The times I say what I feel amazing revelations usually come up
Recently it’s emerged that it’s different from what people expected of me
It’s not that radical but I’m asking myself “am I changing?”
This word keeps coming to my mind when I try to explain something
I refuse that I’m lazy coz I’m not
The frequency with which it’s coming to my mind is just too much for me to ignore
Maybe, just maybe, there are things I’m ignoring
Maybe there are things I’m taking for granted
I really need to home in on this word
It’s really bugging me
Indolent, lethargic, apathetic- I don’t like such words being associated with ME!

The Widow's Mite

I love words- to some extent. I was flabbergasted to say the least after finding out what I just did. This is one topic I’d kept for emergency sermons or lessons in case I was ever called upon. But until today I have not used it.
It all comes together to make sense this stuff called chances.
I’ve just read
this article by ADDISON G. WRIGHT, S.S. and I agree with his view. It’s common that many illustrations from Jesus’ time have been taken out of context or just misinterpreted for the sake of ensuring adherence to church policy and ensuring the church id well funded. In such stuff the message takes time to get to us-BUT it still does as no one Word goes and does not come back having done something in spite of what context it’s used. In many cases the twisting of the Word and fine tuning of parables sends one on a study vigil and eureka! -they get the correct message like I’ve just done.
Giving has been twisted so much that we grow up thinking that we should give a certain proportion of what we have and not that we should only give if we want to. True! There’s no sense in giving a gift out of obligation and think something’s going to happen becoz of that gift. We’ve become so programmed about giving at church that we seldom pray over our gifts or even know why we give except that we’ve been instructed to. I believe it’s becoz of this that many of us have difficulty in giving outside of the church. We were brought up to be kind and generous when we can afford it. We were not brought up to have concern over why someone cannot give as much as we can or why they don’t have anything to give. We just expect them to give from the little they have.
We are the ones who are meant to go and give to those with just the two mites and not expect them to be able to give from just the two mites they have! I pray as many people as possible will come thru such revelation so that we stop taking from those without in the name of giving instead of us giving to them.

"So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 CORINTHIANS 9:7

One step at a time

"Hurry up and wait
So close, but so far away
Everything that you've always dreamed of
Close enough for you to taste
But you just can't touch

You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting
We live and we learn to take

One step at a time
There's no need to rushIt's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen and it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

You believe and you doubt
You're confused, you got it all figured out
Everything that you wished for
Could be yours, should be yours, would be yours
If they only knewYou wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet

Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting

When you can't wait any longer
But there's no end in sight
It's the faith that makes you stronger
The only way you get there
Is one step at a time

Take one step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen and it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time"


I was reading the way Isaac got his wife
His father is the one who’d said where his wife should come from
A messenger was sent to look for that wife
His brief was to get a wife if he’d be allowed to
If not, then he’d come back without one
It seemed a daunting task
Getting someone a wife
To make his job easier the messenger did what we seldom think of in such cases
He relied not on his own understanding but asked for God for help
He needed God to confirm for him if he’d found the right person for Isaac
In His hands………..

Quote, unquote

Our whole life is taken up with anxiety for personal security, with preparations for living, so that we really never live at all.- Leo Tolstoy

I love reading people’s quotes. I seldom try to find out the context they spoke or who they were. Rather, I apply them to the present and make my own jazz about it. Here Tolstoy isn’t far from the mark about life as we see it, know it and live it. We plan, plan, plan, review, test and sometimes we abandon plans and never get to take off the plans left coz there’s just not enough time for execution coz we’re dead by the time we want to start. That’s not to say we needn’t plan or review- we just need to live as we do what we do in life. Sometimes we get to be so anxious about what might happen we don’t even start and never get to know what would have happened yet we spent days pondering at possibilities.
The word test just brought to mind a title that came when I was offline. There’s a poster I pass by at work quite a lot. It’s on safety and simply says “Don’t trust. Test.”
Applicable to life isn’t it? I think it’s very appropriate when it comes to relationships that’ll result in marriage. After, all it’s a pit we’re going to be in for the rest of our life so why shouldn’t we test. We fall in love and we get to trust our life partner. But when should we let go of our instincts when it comes to trusting them? I totally agree with TDJ on his post on
I believe everything I come across is for a reason after all "Wrong turns are as important as right turns. More important sometimes. " - Richard Bach

Just wait

Ever wondered how many hairs u have on your head?
Try counting just a square centimetre of your hair.
Tedious isn’t it?
Now how many times do we brood over things we have zilch control over?
There’s a lovely book I read called lilies of the field and it just brought some thoughts into perspective
How much are we really in control of?
How many angels have we missed?
How many chances to help have we ignored?
How many times have we felt guilty at not having offered to help when we could have?
I’ve been touched a number of times when someone comes out of the blue and starts chatting to me about my life or their’s –without prompting
We are not that much in control when you look at it all
We should just put on our faith caps and listen.

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?"

Open book

This may seem like overdoing something but when there’s a cause why not?
The life we lead may truly be the only example of a Christian someone knows at close range
Do we ever stop and think about the repercussions if any of our actions?
We may be the reason that someone decided not to be Christian
Because of the way we handle relationships
Because of the way we treat others
Because of the way we use our power
Because of the way we dress
Because of the outlook we have on life
It may seem a tall order but when we call ourselves Christian what do we really mean?
Should people see us the way we want them?
Are they meant to ask before they conclude?
Are they meant to understand that it’s a stressful life?
Are they meant to understand that it’s at work so some of the Christian stuff is not important?
Are they meant to buy the idea that work is a place for work and not religion?
Let’s pull up our socks and start walking the walk and be someone’s reason to be follow the Christian faith

Bandaged to heal

My heart’s been broken a number of times
My heart’s been bruised
My heart’s been in the fire
My heart’s been rejected
My heart’s not at all protected
My heart’s mended remarkably well for such a tempestuous affair called life

When I sit back and reflect
How else could I have ridden this storm?
How else could I have known what I know?
I had to let it be
I had to risk rejection
I had to experience the hurt,
I had to experience the pain
Without knowing the hurt and the pain how else could I know love?
With a closed heart I wouldn’t get hurt, neither would I know love
I cannot close it off due to this heartache
It too will pass
It’s big a risk, I risk ridicule
It’s a risk I’m willing to always take
Otherwise how am I to really know life in its abundance?

As clear as mud

My thoughts get muddled up
It’s been happening quite a lot recently
I’ve got an inkling I know why. I’m expecting
I’m expecting good news
I’m expecting a change
So why the mud?
I’ve been lazy.
As of now I relinquish that flag
I noticed I’ve been saying it quite a lot
I almost got to the point of owning it
It’s one of those things I guess
But not for me
I know better
And so I act
Back to life

Ezekiel 33

This is a very strong scripture in my view.

"So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. "-Ezekiel 33:7
"Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me." -Ezekiel 3:17

I hadn’t noticed that the above verse appears almost twice
Repetition for emphasis?
Could be
Indeed I am my brother’s keeper.
Whichever way one may look at the chapter
At the end of it all we are more or less compelled to be watchmen.
The knowledge we have makes us such
We cannot keep quiet when we see someone erring
We cannot keep silent when we see people do wrong
We cannot keep silent when we see people without knowledge
We cannot keep silent when people misread The Word
We cannot keep silent when someone does not know The Word
We cannot keep silent when The Word is hidden from some
Speak we should
Speak we shall
Speak, I do.

That word- BEG

I’ve been going thru life sometimes with my eyes closedI remember my early youth daysI remember my late youth daysI know what’s up right nowBut still I can say that sometimes my eyes are wide shut as I go thru life

More on that later-possibly another post

That word, I hate
Truly I hate the word
I hate it more when people want me to beg
Call it pride
Call it being to general
Call it just before my fall
I still will NOT beg
I wasn’t brought up to do such
I’ve never had to do such
OK, maybe I’ve had to but I’ve never done it
I just will not beg
You may have the upper hand
You may have what I need
But be warned
Coz I won’t beg doesn’t mean I won’t get what I need
It just means I’ll get it from somewhere else
I will not be begging that other person either
I know in whom I’ve put my trust
My Creator never created me to beg
He’s My Provider

Maybe, just maybe
You’ve seen that my eyes are wide shut and you believe I will beg
You got it all wrong
I will not.

And the joy continues

Some things I never expect
Some things I’m delighted by
My expectations are not that low
I just sometimes feel undeserving
Seriously, I do.

That feeling of being overwhelmed with delight continues
I was pleasantly surprised this weekend at my mum’s
It was just so homey and welcoming
It was just plain unbelievable what came through
I just had to say thank you

Yeah, yeah
So they're my family it's bound to happen
Not to the degree it did and continues to happen
It's just simple joy
Oh! If only I could express it all in words

Just found the word.......


Oh where oh, where art thou?

Seems my fellow writers’ inspiration is on a break
How so?
Well, they haven’t been writing in a long time
A very long time by their standards, ages for me

How would one write save they felt the need to write?
You feel an urge to write something down
It’s a channel of pouring out your insides, neatly
That feeling, that push
Somehow it has to be there for one to write
Prose it may be, free verse, or whatever
Write! Write!
Those words echo in my head
When I start I seldom stop
Not all is channelled through one outlet
At times I write to friends
Sometimes I write a poem to lift someone’s spirit
Write I must

But alas!
My dear friends are not in the mood right now
They have too much on their plate
They feel they shouldn’t let their thoughts right now be known
They feel they’ve lost that inner light
They don’t feel like writing
So, Inspiration where art thou?
My friends need you
I’m overwhelmed with you
Why dost thou sit by side all day long
All night long thou art by my side also
Maybe there’s some verse you need me to share
Maybe there’s a thread I’m not seeing
Maybe It’s not you Inspiration
That’s by my side right now
It could be cupid
But how so?
When did we last meet Cupid?
When did I last follow thy arrow?
No, it is not thou
It is Inspiration that has made his abode in my hands
Cupid’s knocking
Will I let him in?
Only if Inspiration promises to make his rounds once again
For if Cupid were to stay here like Inspiration
Oh, what a tragedy that could be
For when last Cupid and Inspiration abode at my hand
I did not cease writing till I almost wrote a book
Then they just left
Trot the globe they must
So that we long for their seasonal company
For if they stay here many hearts’ light will dim
And I will no longer enjoy their untimely company
Unplanned visits they need to pay to each one of us
And stay not for long perchance vain we become with words
And our heart’s always laid out bare.

Morning has broken

A fresh new day
Full of promise
Full of hope
Full of life

Don't let a morning pass without giving praise

Just the fact that it has broken is reason enough for praise


Life's a roller coaster

Life's throwing me lemons & I'm making lemonade.

This day

This day ain't what I expected
It's what I've sometimes hoped for
It's actually what I want in a day
I'm smiling
I'm laughing

It indeed is a gift
I now understand why it is a day of the Lord
It's His will
He gave it to me
I am
He is
He was, He will be

He wishes me to be with Him always
I choose if I want to be with Him
He gives me that many opprtunities
That many opprtunities-daily

With each breath
With each moment I still can choose
I decided so many days ago
Each day is a joy

Yes, I may cry
Yes, I may feel sad
You may say I'm not joyous
My spirit rejoices
I know the shoulder always there for me

My guide always there
This day I will walk with Him
Like any other day
I choose to walk with Him
For as long as He will.

Watchman’s word

I’m in a battle field.
All I had to do was to state my faith and WHAM the devil started his tricks again.
I'm intelligent unlike him
I recognise his methods of attack
he's run out of new tricks
All are in a cycle and SO predictable

Why should something so small as practice separate us?
Practices are not what God searches but the spirit.
Yeah so we need to live life in the physical hence the need for rules
I feel like shouting out like Paul
Why should the law separate us?
Why should we allow a human creation to separate us?
NOTHING can separate us from the love of God

Whilst we are all fighting to justify our positions we don’t see the enemy
We make our neighbour our enemy
The enemy in the erstwhile is claiming victory
And why shouldn’t he?
Ur armour is not on
Your using ur opinion
You’re focusing on the past
And he will proclaim victory if we carry on this battle for long
You’re focusing on flesh

And would I be wrong if I said flesh has won over spirit
Flesh is n control
Spirit is under attack
But flesh is in control

Take ur Bible and your spirit will be the one in control again
He is ur neighbour not ur enemy
U both have a common enemy
Focus on that
If you both want to claim victory over the enemy this is what u should do

Agree ur guide
And ATTACK from the angle u know best
And in no time the enemy is down and u’re back on your feet
In the spirit,
In control!!!!!!!


Go read Ezekiel 33
It's all about hearing the word at His mouth.


There's a lot of conditioning that takes place in our lives
Don’t agree?
Look at the way you put toothpaste on your toothbrush
Check where you put your feet when you get out of bed
Worse, the 1st mail you look for on your pc

Bottom line, there’s a lot of conditioning in our lives
However much we may want to deny it
It’s very difficult to rid our lives with routines
And so it is with how we view life situations
Change is sometimes very difficult
Especially when you were the leader of the pack
Instinct always wants to continue leading
Even if the pack is no more there
If the pack has a new leader you want to groom them to be a miniature you
It mayn’t be that bad but hey,
Let change take place
Let people grow up
Let people mature
You won’t always be there
Let them learn how to be self-sustaining just like you
As long as the rod is there for the plant to lean on
Chances are the spine will never be strong enough to support the plant when it bears fruit
The rod may remain for all of it’s life
Some won’t view it as peculiar
Coz that’s how they’ve always seen it
It won’t look normal when the rod breaks either
What won’t be normal is to see a full grown plant fall down coz it cannot carry the weight of its own fruit

Twisted analogy?

Not really

In life we need to let go and let the bruised kid get up on their own and figure out if they’ll cry or just wince with pain
Tough love it seems but we all need it
I’ve had it
I will let those under my umbrella know it
We all have to grow up some time


Grow on your own turf
Make your home in your own house
House rules are for your own house
Prune your own turf first then come tell me how to manage mine
Examples still apply in this day and age
BE an example and let others learn

Got lost somewhere BUT bottom line is
If a man wants fish, teach him how to fish so that you've fed him for a lifetime.

Silent protest?

I don't believe in that.
I was silent and just didn't say anything I couldn't stand up for what was happening
Let alone face myself and say I've done my job
Wait a minute…..
I didn’t agree that I'd take it as part of the job
Actually went on this journey fro the heck of it
And I'm quitting the ride
It's not proper
It's just not right

It scares me that someone can actually not feel for the next person that much
They're looking at them but seeing thru them

I cannot stand with such
It may have been seen as silent protest but that was my idea of showing them I'm no more with them

I will not stand in their counsel.

No More since I now know them throughout.
I will not.

The best I can do is change them. I’m praying on that.Nah!
I don't believe in that.
I was silent and just didn't say anything I couldn't stand up for what was happening
Let alone face myself and say I've done my job
Wait a minute…..
I didn’t agree that I'd take it as part of the job
Actually went on this journey fro the heck of it
And I'm quitting the ride
It's not proper
It's just not right

It scares me that someone can actually not feel for the next person that much
They're looking at them but seeing thru them

I cannot stand with such
It may have been seen as silent protest but that was my idea of showing them I'm no more with them

I will not stand in their counsel.

No More since I now know them throughout.
I will not.

The best I can do is change them. I’m praying on that.

Closed door, Open door

One door closed and that’s for sure
Yes it’s closed
No hope of it being opened again
If it does, the movement will be unidirectional
And all for one person.
Enough of that-‘selfish’ may feature and that’s not a nice word.
It’s pointless noting anything about it except that it took eight months 6 days, 2 minutes and 36 seconds to finally submit that the door is indeed closed.
And the door opened?
Well there are actually many doors open just that you choose which ones to venture into
Promise lies behind each door
The only problem is that sometimes what’s articulated as a promise remains just that
A promise unfulfilled and you rest still with a promise
Selection sometimes is difficult
Of late selection has been helped with closing of the aforementioned door
Natural selection?
Almost, and a bit of deduction after expectations are not met.
It’s obvious some of these things are pre-planned and some people just cannot handle them
Well, let’s just say for now I’m going through a door with not many promises except two- friendship and trust
No the cat will stay in the bag for a while.
Yeah for a while I will keep silent as I venture through this opened door.

My world, my words

Passion -That which drives us to want what we want and believe that tehre still is something more.
Love- That which we feel can only be felt and enjoyed with someone else
Life - That which we all say is impossible to understand but love it all the same
Friend - that person whom we can confide in and will know what we want to say before we say it & understands the quiet moments.
Smile- That which we so often desire yet we stifle when we feel it forming on our face
Longing - that which we deny ourselves yet we so much need. The denial can be detrimental
Relationship- a mixture of all the above misconstrued as LIFE

Prayer does change things

I consider myself apolitical. I voted.
I feel there are some things I'm more or less obligated to do.
I truly want things to change.
I want to go back to being able to buy sweets with my change from the supermarket.
I want to be abel to have an unplanned lunch with afriend I bump into in the city or wherever.
I want to be able to make a choice when buying anything.
I just want things to be OK.
Things to be normal
So I voted.
I also want the peace, quiet & stability we have to remain.
If it can be more peaceful then let it be.
I do not want 'a Kenya in Zimbabwe'
I don't want to hear of food riots.
I don't want to witness people crying for their home
I just want peace.

Ever wondered why you were born Zimbabwean,
why you know Zimbabwe
why you feel bonded to Zimbabwe
why you still love Zimbabwe?

It's beautiful place.
I don't believe in coincidences
I believe in miracles
Yes, I do
In this mordern day?
Yes, I still believe in miracles.

We are the last country on the drop down list of countries wherever you look.
We're the last country on the list of countries on earth.
Ever heard of the first shall be the last?
We're the country that comes up when you talk in superlatives.

There's a purpose to all that happens under the sun.
God's people still cry out to Him.
Yes, He does hear our prayers- offered without a shred of doubt
Yes He still answers prayer.

Something's got to give at times
So we all pray
Every dog has it's day
Today something's got to give.

I've never forwarded anything that I just felt wans't worth forwarding
I've got this thing about forwards
I don't forward them most of the time
Today it was different.

I can feel it.
We need peace.
There's just too much anxiety in Zimbabwe right now
That energy could be better used somewhere else
We have to have faith that we can go back to the good old days
It won't be the old days
It'll be "these are the good days"

We get on each other's nerves too much
We want so much
Will we be able to handle it?
Find the word on "to whom much is given'
I have to go

Have faith.
A prayer offered in earnest.........not doubting.........

Prayer for Zimbabwe 4 April 2008

This is what I just sent to all my friends on mail.

Pliz be advised that today at 1:00pm (1300hrs) every Zimbabwean wherever you are, let us pray for our Zimbabwe. It is only for one minute to 1:01pm (1301hrs). Please it doesn't matter whether you are driving, walking, eating, washing, in the office, shopping, wherever and whatever you will be doing, pliz just recognize this special moment. If you are not sure what to say just pray " DEAR GOD WE PUT ZIMBABWE IN YOUR HANDS" just that, and you keep quiet for one minute, thereafter you continue with whatever you will be doing. Please don't forget. Chronicles 2:7-14; Jeremiah 29:11; 1 Tim 2v1-3 Be guided accordingly. Pass on to as many people as you can so that by 1:00pm many will be aware.

Prayer is an opportunity to bring our will in line with God's plan
Prayer is an opportunity to demonstrate out trust in God
Prayer is speaking to God Prayer is an awesome privilege
Prayer is our approach to God , and we are to come boldly
Prayer reflects our dependence on God

Joy hope love

These three just fill my life to the brim. The proprotions vary each day but they are always present.
The threesome are present when u want them to be there.
Open your eyes and you will see what I mean.
They don't happen by accident.
The third one is a given- without request- bestowed on us by The Almighty.
The first is seldom experienced except by those who've learnt to love life- their life.
It's easy to love your life.
OK maybe not that easy fro everyone.
I've just had a flash of people in differing situations and they cannot just love their lives just like that. That's what I think.
Hope will be in the biggest proportion in these lives. Hope for a better life. Hope for a life they can love. A life they can love so that they can be joyful and at the same time love their life.
I think without loving your life one can still find joy in their life.
I'm now writing this from a third person perspective coz I'm just not sure what I've gotten myself into.
This threesome.
We all need them in our life. I guess with prayer we can make all three be present in everyone's life.
I'm doing it one by one.
Each person I befriend I try to make a difference in their life. A positive difference.
I'm still trying and praying.
Yes, I do pray for those I come across and sometimes get to know better.
Yes, the threesome are sometimes difficult to talk about, but they are a necessity in this life.

Do you see what I see?

I see a smile,
You see a smirk,
I see joy,
You see pride.

You never ask,
I always seek knowledge,
I seldom judge,
Your word is final.

Neither of us like correction,
But we don't detest it.
Our principles are similar,
We just present them differently.

I seek the fountain of love,
You seek the fountain of life.
We say what we need is different.
How can we live without love.

I say 'I need you'
You say 'I love you'
We say we're good together
We're always apart.

Maybe I'm not getting this right,
Maybe it's not you
Maybe it's me
Will it be ever us?

Now I'm confused
You say its very clear, I started all this
Yet you asked the first question
I've never had the final say.

Maybe I'm too quiet
Maybe I never ask
Maybe I never asked
Would it be different if I'd asked?

I believe in talking things over
You prefer sleeping over them, then decide
I prefer agreement from both sides, compromise at worst
We seem to always not agree.

We never fought
Yet there was always a war
No one got hurt
We both felt the pain.

There is a wound showing
I say it's a scar
You say it's definitely a wound
Who hurt who?

Mask? Reveal?

Sometimes I smile, Sometimes I want to frown
Not that this is really what I want to do,
Or better still, not what I should do.
I feel I need to own up and just shout it out.

My facial expressions should reflect what I truly feel inside.
I cannot frown for long, neither can I not smile for long,
Thus smile is what I mostly do
That’s why I like the word smile.

There’s something I miss so much,
I miss as once had it,
Now I’m not sure if it’s gone,
The tell-tale signs are not there.

The way I miss it I sometimes thought I’d go crazy,
I had been so much used to it,
I think I sometimes took it for granted.
I still miss it so as I feel I need it .

As there’s something missing,
Then this could be the reason I smile often,
Though at times it ends up being a mask,
Closing off what I feel inside.

Do not get me wrong,
I do not wear this mask often,
It almost feels part of me,
For I feel I can no longer do without the mask.

Deceit is far from my intentions,
Pain is nearer where I stand,
I used to have something,
And now it’s gone.

Maybe it’s still there,
Trying to show it’s light through the mask,
How can I know unless I take off the mask,
Yet how can I reveal all this to everyone?

I will unmask one day,
To reveal what I am,
Maybe by then,
I truly will be smiling.

Love is all around

Last time I was charged & I went to read a book. I practically did that. took two days away from work and just chilled. Back now & I'm reading Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.

This world indeed is full of love. Was reflecting on it yesterday and true there is lotsa love around us. It just needs one to truly appreciate what love is and see it around us.

  • How many “I love you” s have you received in your life?
  • How many same sex friends drop a call, e-mail, an sms yesterday just to wish you a happy valentine's day each year
  • How many "happy birthdays" do you get each year from people some of whom you don't even know which month THEY were born in.
  • How many friendly e-mails do you get in your INBOX each day. How many of these are seldom replied. Of those you don't reply to, how many keep on clicking the SEND button with your name. Most of those who send you e-mails don't mind that you don't send them back as many e-mails as they send you but they'll keep on sending.
  • How many friends keep on pestering you with calls to hear how you are feeling when you take a day off sick
  • How many actually come over just to keep you company when you're not feeling too well
    How many reassurances do you get when things are not going the right way round
  • How many “sorry”s do you get when someone’s kept you waiting for them even if you were two minutes ahead of them
  • When was the last time you said “OK” to someone who thought they’d stepped on your foot
  • How many hours have friends, relatives & colleagues spent with you grieving over a loss
  • How many “just wanted to check how you’re doing” calls have you received
  • And actual gifts & tokens….

The list may be endless for many of us. Just to keep it all in check, ask yourself how many times you’ve been on the giving side. If you feel you cannot give, start with a simple “thank you” with a smile. It all goes a long way and will be appreciated much.

I'll end with this;

" If music be the food of love, then play on"


Got this from a friend & thought it worthy of sharing especially for those of who are impatient.
Not my origination.
"There was a legend of a woman who had a faithful dog. This dog was so faithful that the woman could leave her baby with it and go out to attend other matters. She always returned to find the child soundly asleep with the dog faithfully watching over him.

One day something tragic happened. The woman as usual, left the baby in the "hands" of this faithful dog and went out shopping. When she returned, she discovered rather a nasty scene. There was a total mess. The baby's cot was dismantled and his nappies and clothes torn to shreds with bloodstains all over the bedroom where she had left the child and the dog. Shocked, the woman wailed as she began looking for the baby. Presently, she saw the faithful dog emerging from the under the bed. It was covered with blood and licking its mouth as it had just finished a delicious meal.The woman went berserk and assumed that the dog had devoured her baby. Without much thought she clubbed the dog to death. But as she continued searching for the "remains" of her child, she beheld another scene. Close to the bed baby who, although lying on bare floor, was safe. And under the bed the remains of a python torn to pieces in what must have been a fierce battle between it and the dogwhich was now dead. Then the reality hit the woman who now began to understand what took place in her absence. The dog fought to protect the baby from the ravenous python. It was too late for her now to make amends because in her impatience and anger, she had killed the faithful dog.How often have we misjudged people and torn them to shreds with harsh words and even with physical assault before we have had time to evaluate the situation? A little patience can drastically reduce major life long errors. "

Right now I'm very charged so I'll call it a day and go read a book.

Old friends & forever friends

I came across a friend of mine I hadn't seen for a decade.------(that's like 4eva)
We were class mates for 6 years and after high school we were not in touch and didn't bump into each other till today. It just sparked the friendship we had and we'll carry on from now. We chatted for a long time disregarding all the people in the banking hall. Were it not a closed environment I'm sure we'd have been making such noise at just seeing each other. It's really important for the child in you not to die as that's what keeps you smiling.
Reminds me of a quote of what one would want during their last days and it all boils down to friends. It's them that matter most and it's their company you'll want when you want to look back the years.
To friendship!

Still alight?

Though this may not prove that indeed I still am afire.
Seven months off??????
It's this energy zing that I sometimes go on about and I make so much noise about it to myself that I decided to shout about it ALOUD.
Drab thsi site may seem but just give me time and I will put on my writing cap on and I'll amaze myself and some people.