
Joy hope love

These three just fill my life to the brim. The proprotions vary each day but they are always present.
The threesome are present when u want them to be there.
Open your eyes and you will see what I mean.
They don't happen by accident.
The third one is a given- without request- bestowed on us by The Almighty.
The first is seldom experienced except by those who've learnt to love life- their life.
It's easy to love your life.
OK maybe not that easy fro everyone.
I've just had a flash of people in differing situations and they cannot just love their lives just like that. That's what I think.
Hope will be in the biggest proportion in these lives. Hope for a better life. Hope for a life they can love. A life they can love so that they can be joyful and at the same time love their life.
I think without loving your life one can still find joy in their life.
I'm now writing this from a third person perspective coz I'm just not sure what I've gotten myself into.
This threesome.
We all need them in our life. I guess with prayer we can make all three be present in everyone's life.
I'm doing it one by one.
Each person I befriend I try to make a difference in their life. A positive difference.
I'm still trying and praying.
Yes, I do pray for those I come across and sometimes get to know better.
Yes, the threesome are sometimes difficult to talk about, but they are a necessity in this life.

Do you see what I see?

I see a smile,
You see a smirk,
I see joy,
You see pride.

You never ask,
I always seek knowledge,
I seldom judge,
Your word is final.

Neither of us like correction,
But we don't detest it.
Our principles are similar,
We just present them differently.

I seek the fountain of love,
You seek the fountain of life.
We say what we need is different.
How can we live without love.

I say 'I need you'
You say 'I love you'
We say we're good together
We're always apart.

Maybe I'm not getting this right,
Maybe it's not you
Maybe it's me
Will it be ever us?

Now I'm confused
You say its very clear, I started all this
Yet you asked the first question
I've never had the final say.

Maybe I'm too quiet
Maybe I never ask
Maybe I never asked
Would it be different if I'd asked?

I believe in talking things over
You prefer sleeping over them, then decide
I prefer agreement from both sides, compromise at worst
We seem to always not agree.

We never fought
Yet there was always a war
No one got hurt
We both felt the pain.

There is a wound showing
I say it's a scar
You say it's definitely a wound
Who hurt who?

Mask? Reveal?

Sometimes I smile, Sometimes I want to frown
Not that this is really what I want to do,
Or better still, not what I should do.
I feel I need to own up and just shout it out.

My facial expressions should reflect what I truly feel inside.
I cannot frown for long, neither can I not smile for long,
Thus smile is what I mostly do
That’s why I like the word smile.

There’s something I miss so much,
I miss as once had it,
Now I’m not sure if it’s gone,
The tell-tale signs are not there.

The way I miss it I sometimes thought I’d go crazy,
I had been so much used to it,
I think I sometimes took it for granted.
I still miss it so as I feel I need it .

As there’s something missing,
Then this could be the reason I smile often,
Though at times it ends up being a mask,
Closing off what I feel inside.

Do not get me wrong,
I do not wear this mask often,
It almost feels part of me,
For I feel I can no longer do without the mask.

Deceit is far from my intentions,
Pain is nearer where I stand,
I used to have something,
And now it’s gone.

Maybe it’s still there,
Trying to show it’s light through the mask,
How can I know unless I take off the mask,
Yet how can I reveal all this to everyone?

I will unmask one day,
To reveal what I am,
Maybe by then,
I truly will be smiling.