
Ezekiel 33

This is a very strong scripture in my view.

"So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. "-Ezekiel 33:7
"Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me." -Ezekiel 3:17

I hadn’t noticed that the above verse appears almost twice
Repetition for emphasis?
Could be
Indeed I am my brother’s keeper.
Whichever way one may look at the chapter
At the end of it all we are more or less compelled to be watchmen.
The knowledge we have makes us such
We cannot keep quiet when we see someone erring
We cannot keep silent when we see people do wrong
We cannot keep silent when we see people without knowledge
We cannot keep silent when people misread The Word
We cannot keep silent when someone does not know The Word
We cannot keep silent when The Word is hidden from some
Speak we should
Speak we shall
Speak, I do.

That word- BEG

I’ve been going thru life sometimes with my eyes closedI remember my early youth daysI remember my late youth daysI know what’s up right nowBut still I can say that sometimes my eyes are wide shut as I go thru life

More on that later-possibly another post

That word, I hate
Truly I hate the word
I hate it more when people want me to beg
Call it pride
Call it being to general
Call it just before my fall
I still will NOT beg
I wasn’t brought up to do such
I’ve never had to do such
OK, maybe I’ve had to but I’ve never done it
I just will not beg
You may have the upper hand
You may have what I need
But be warned
Coz I won’t beg doesn’t mean I won’t get what I need
It just means I’ll get it from somewhere else
I will not be begging that other person either
I know in whom I’ve put my trust
My Creator never created me to beg
He’s My Provider

Maybe, just maybe
You’ve seen that my eyes are wide shut and you believe I will beg
You got it all wrong
I will not.